• UAE is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the opportunity to be the film and TV hub in the region. Supporting the government plan to build the industry, Abu Dhabi Film Commission - along with other government backed media entities such as twofour54 and Imagination.
• Abu Dhabi Film Commission offers support in finding unique locations, advice on script clearance & permits, equipment, experienced crew, studios and high-end post production facilities.
UAE has a great variety of fantastic locations that have not been filmed. Including stunning coastline, wild desert, amazing oasis, iconic architecture, a modern city and a world class infrastructure of trained crew and production facilities.
• No filming of local women unless they have given you their express permission.
The best way to film a woman in an abaya is to hire a model and put her in one. There are strong model agencies available with a large selection of talent.
• No filming of alcohol unless expressly permitted, this includes people drinking it, drunk, or anything else of this nature.
• No pornography or nudity is permitted under any circumstances.
• No proselytizing of other religions, or defamation of Islam.
• No filming of government property, military bases or palaces.
• No filming or photography where you see a "no photography" sign.
No filming without a permit.